
Showing posts from February, 2016

Common Reasons Why Numerous Women Suffer From Depression

There are a variety of different factors that contribute to the countless number of women that end up suffering from the symptoms that are commonly seen in various forms of depression. Some of these factors would include hormonal imbalances, various problems that can occur with functions that the body’s system performs naturally within the reproductive system, pregnancy, infertility, menopause, responsibilities they face within society, cultural obligations, poverty, psychological abuse, and physical abuse that would include victims of rape. There are many women that often feel extremely overwhelmed when they find themselves facing one or more of these problems. Then in other women, the symptoms they are suffering from depression are often compounded because of the struggles they are facing in trying to be a successful professional, mother, and wife, all at the same time. There are numerous women that also end up finding that they are stuck...

What Does Medical Depression Mean?

Medical depression is a condition that is not always easy to diagnose. Before a physician or psychiatrist is adequately able to diagnose depression, there is a variety of different factors and possible causes that will need to be thoroughly examined. Some of the causes of medical depression would include stress factors that often arise during the common struggles of raising a child, a marriage that has fallen apart, or the loss of a close loved one. Generally individuals that suffer the symptoms that are associated with medical depression will show extreme changes in their mood. Mood swings, problems with sleeping, changes in the appetite, feeling tired all the time, and losing any desire to engage in hobbies, activities, or family outings that used to cause joy, are just a few of the common symptoms of this type of illness.   Medical depression can last several months, or even several years. Other factors that can make this condition worse is poor eating...

What Does Clinical Depression Mean?

Clinical depression is a serious medical condition that is also commonly referred to unipolar and major depressive disorder. This type of disorder is progressive, which means that over time, the symptoms can become much worse. In many cases of individuals that suffer from clinical depression, it will often lead to the person harming their own body, it can lead to an excessive use of alcoholic beverages, and it can also end up in substance abuse. In extreme cases, the individual may even begin to have suicidal thoughts. Because of this, it is extremely important for this type of depression to be diagnosed and treated as soon as possible. It is not at all unusual for people with this type of depression to isolate themselves from close friends and members of the family. Some of the common signs that you should watch for would include extreme feelings of being sad, and the depressed person wi...

What Does Masked Depression Mean?

There are several different types of symptoms that a person may experience when they are suffering from depression. In some cases, depression symptoms can be masked behind various other types of physical disorders and conditions that the individual is also experiencing. This is a problem that often causes the depressed person to focus on the physical problem that is happening, Muscle pain Headache Indigestion Stomach ache Gastrological disorders rather than focusing on the depression itself. There are many people that simply do not realize they are even suffering from depression because they are so focused on specific problems that are going on with their health. This is the type of situation that the term ‘masked depression’ refers to. There are several different types of physical conditions that depression can be masked behind and a few of the most common are...

What Does Catatonic Depression Mean?

Catatonic depression is a term that is commonly used by several different mental health professionals and family health care providers to describe a very serious form of depression that can affect every single aspect of an individual’s life. Catatonic depression is an extreme condition of depression that makes it utterly impossible for the person suffering this type of depression to have the ability to achieve even the smallest of regular daily activities. This can include work obligations, daily responsibilities within the home, and a variety of other important tasks that need to be done on a daily or routine basis. There are several different symptoms that a person might experience when they are suffering from catatonic depression. Some of the most common symptoms that are often associated with this serious form of depression would include the following Phrases, words, or movements that the individual continuously repeats ...

What Does Mild Depression Mean?

Depression is a condition that as many as 15 million Americans suffer the symptoms from every single year, and there are several different types of this condition that people suffer from. According to the American Medical Association, there are as many as 18% of all Americans that will end up suffering from mild depression at one point or another during their lifetime. When individuals that suffers from mild depression, they still have the ability to carry on with daily routine activities that are either not possible or are extremely hard to achieve with other forms of depression. Although many of the symptoms that people generally experience when they have mild depression are just like those that individuals experience with moderate or severe depression, they are experienced at a much lower severity. With mild depression most people only notice a minor difference in their sleep patterns, eating habits, the level of energy...

How Infertility Can Give Rise to Depression in Women

Thousands of women end up facing the cold hard fact that they are not going to be able to experience the process of carrying and giving birth to a newborn baby simply because of being infertile because of various types of problems that can occur with the reproductive system. This is often very hard news to take,especially in women that have had the lifelong dream of having their own baby. There are also a countless number of women and couples that end up spending a large sum of money on various types of medical procedures, in the hopes that the procedures they undergo will provide them with the extra help that they need to ultimately become successful in the delivery of a bouncing bundle of joy. In some women these procedures are not effective, and some women simply are not able to try various procedures because of medical issues they have. Facing the fact that you are infertile is very hard on some women and it can ultimately cause very se...

Women’s Reproductive Systems and Depression

There are a variety of different physical and behavioral changes that most women face because of natural functions of the body that occur during menstruation of the reproductive system. Although the symptoms of these changes may not be very severe in some women, there are others who experience severe symptoms that occur on a regular basis. Two of the conditions that a large number of women face today that involves phases of the reproductive system would include PMS or premenstrual syndrome and PMDD that is otherwise known as premenstrual dysphoric disorder. The symptoms of these conditions will generally become noticeable during ovulation, which is a week prior to beginning the menstrual cycle for many women. Symptoms will generally worsen until the individual starts menstruating. There are current studies that are being conducted to gain information as to how the increase and the decrease of estrogen and various other types of hormones t...

What Does the Dysthymic Disorder of Mono-Polar Depression Mean?

Depression is a well known illness that affects the daily lives of thousands of children, adults, and elderly individuals that are located all around the globe. There is a wide variety of different types of depression that people can suffer from, and there are some forms of this illness that are categorized in subtypes.  When an individual shows to have purely depressive type symptoms, it is known as mono-polar depression. When an individual suffers from mild symptoms of this type of depression that does not have a drastic effect on the routine aspects of their daily lives, then it is referred to as dysthymic disorder. In more severe cases, people often find it very hard to engage in even the simplest of daily responsibilities, activities with family or friends, or even have the ability to perform responsibilities on their job. However, in cases where an individual only suffers from mild symptoms of depression, they are generally able to continue parti...

What are the Specific Types of Depression?

Depression is a well known illness that countless numbers of both adults and children suffer from every single day. There are also many different types of depression that affect individuals that have this type of illness. Below you will find a list of some of the common types of depression. Bipolar Disorder Dysthymic Disorder/Mono-polor Depression Manic Disorder Depression Caused by Physical Diseases or Illnesses Childhood Depression Reactive Depression Endogenous Depression Postpartum Depression Season Affective Disorder Moderate Depression Major Depression PMDD Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder Each one of these forms of depression has causes that are different than the others, and some of the symptoms that the individuals experience may differ as well. If you are suffering from any of the symptoms of depression, it is important to consult with your physician so he ca...

Is there Warning Signs That Others May Notice in Depressed Individuals?

In a variety of different medical illnesses and conditions there are various signs and symptoms that a person will notice in the individual that is suffering from these problems. Depression is a condition that is no different, and it has its own set of warning signs that others generally notice when a friend or family member is suffering from the symptoms of depression. One thing that is often noticed is the depressed person will begin to withdraw from regular activities, dinners, and other things of that nature that used to be a normal part of the individual’s life. Family members will often notice that the person begins to be less outgoing and as interactive as they once were. They may begin to make excuses to stay home from work, or go to important appointments, and many times they will either start sleeping quite a bit more than they used to, or they will begin to have problems in getting an adequate amount of sleep. Child...

Is There an Impact on Family Members of Depressed Individuals?

Depression is an illness that has a huge impact on the family members and the friends of an individual who is suffering from this type of illness. This is especially true when it comes to the children who have a parent that is showing signs of being depressed. In many cases, activities, family outings, or even small get-togethers that have been planned are avoided by people who are suffering from depression. Children are the ones who are impacted the hardest because they do not have the ability to figure out what exactly is going on. When a child has parents that normally take part with them in various types of sports activities, playing games together, play wrestling, and other activities of this nature, and then the attention suddenly comes to a complete stop, it can be extremely difficult for a child to understand what exactly has caused this change to take place. There are many times that the child will feel that they have ...

What is the Impact on People with Depression?

The impact depression can have on a person depends a great deal on the severity of the illness that they have. For example, an individual that may be suffering from mild depression may still experience many of the symptoms of depression, but they are often still able to manage engaging in daily activities and their normal work schedule. However, in individuals that experience severe depression, it is often hard for them to achieve even the smallest of responsibilities such as household chores, grocery shopping, and other things of that nature. Many times when people are suffering from severe depression, they have a lack of will to do much of anything, which includes things of importance like doctor’s appointments, eating healthy meals, or even taking care of hygiene needs. Often times they will withdraw from friends and even members of their family. Some people may feel as if depressed individuals do not care about the state of mind that they are in, but th...

What Does Depression Mean?

There are more than twenty million teenagers and adults throughout the U.S. alone that are affected with the illness known as depression. The symptoms of depression can often be crippling to the individual that is experiencing them, and it is an illness that has several different faces. Post-partum depression, clinical depression, and bi-polar are just a few of the types of depression. It is an illness that can affect the individual’s thoughts, body, mood, mannerisms, and every other aspect of their life, which can cause a lack of will which often makes it almost impossible to perform even the simplest of tasks. Depression goes much deeper than when a person is merely upset or just feeling down, as these are normal feelings that everyone experiences at one time or another. Some of the common indications of depression are listed below. Lack of energy Feeling the...

What Does Atypical Depression Mean?

When a person lives with a family member or a close friend that has atypical depression, it can often feel that a normal and happy atmosphere is something that is absolutely impossible to achieve. However, when the symptoms that an individual may suffer from and the treatment plans that are available for atypical depression are looked at and compared to a few of the other forms of depression, this particular type of depression is one of the milder types. It is also one of the most common forms that patients suffer from. Although many of the symptoms of atypical depression are the same as other types, a major difference is the fact that the patient is able to have positive and happy reactions to various types of situations. They can enjoy having a good time with family members and close friends; however, when stressful situations occur, or the individual is alone again they will often slip right back down into a deep depre...

What Does Bipolar Disorder Mean?

Bipolar Disorder is a medical condition that was more commonly known as manic-depressive several years ago, and there are some people that still refer to this illness using both names. It is also a condition that is referred to as cyclothymic disorder. With this type of condition the individual will generally experience periods of time feeling depressed, and these times will be alternated with times of a manic phase, or an elevated feeling of their mood. Generally during this phase the amount of physical and mental activities that they engage in will be increased and they often feel very good. However, during this phase they will generally not sleep very well during the night and it is much harder for them to be able to concentrate on various projects and responsibilities as they normally would. This is a disorder that can be marked by the extreme changes in the individual’s mood levels, energy levels, and in their behavior. Although thi...

What Does Clinical Depression Mean?

Clinical depression is a serious medical condition that is also commonly referred to unipolar and major depressive disorder. This type of disorder is progressive, which means that over time, the symptoms can become much worse. In many cases of individuals that suffer from clinical depression, it will often lead to the person harming their own body, it can lead to an excessive use of alcoholic beverages, and it can also end up in substance abuse. In extreme cases, the individual may even begin to have suicidal thoughts. Because of this, it is extremely important for this type of depression to be diagnosed and treated as soon as possible. It is not at all unusual for people with this type of depression to isolate themselves from close friends and members of the family. Some of the common signs that you should watch for would include extreme feelings of being sad, and the depressed person wi...

What Does Major Depression Mean?

Major depression is a condition that is also commonly known as unipolar or clinical depression, and is generally the category of depression that individuals think of when they hear about depression. This category of depression is the one that is the most severe and it has the ability to cause drastic problems in the individual that have a negative impact on every single area of their life. There are often times that individuals with this type of depression will seem to have completely given up, and there are numerous symptoms that are associated with major depression. There is often a complete change in their work performance, as they do not have the ability or the energy to function adequately to engage in a normal work routine. There are also big changes in relationships they have with other members of the family and in relationships with friends and social activities. This generally happen...

What Does Mild Depression Mean?

Depression is a condition that as many as 15 million Americans suffer the symptoms from every single year, and there are several different types of this condition that people suffer from. According to the American Medical Association, there are as many as 18% of all Americans that will end up suffering from mild depression at one point or another during their lifetime. When individuals that suffers from mild depression, they still have the ability to carry on with daily routine activities that are either not possible or are extremely hard to achieve with other forms of depression. Although many of the symptoms that people generally experience when they have mild depression are just like those that individuals experience with moderate or severe depression, they are experienced at a much lower severity. With mild depression most people only notice a minor difference in their sleep patterns, eating habits, the level of energy...

What Does Childhood Depression Mean?

Childhood depression is a problem that affects numerous children, and for a variety of different reasons. There are many reasons why a child might become depressed, and below you will find the most common. Feeling lonely Growing up in an argumentative environment An unhealthy diet Feeling a lot of pressure from school activities and schoolwork Being separated from a parent, or parents Not having enough friends No time for fun activities There are also several different symptoms that you should watch for, as they may be an indication of childhood depression. Below is a list of some of the most common symptoms. Sadness Laziness Problems with sleeping Bouts of crying without reason The inability to concentrate Irritability Changes in appetite Withdrawal f...

Citalopram – An Effective Treatment Option for Depression Symptoms

There are countless children, adults, and individuals of the elderly generation that suffer from various types of depression symptoms on a daily basis. To find effective relief from these symptoms, many people will require treatment options that include various types of prescription medications. Citalopram is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor, more commonly known as an SSRI antidepressant that can successfully alleviate many of the symptoms that are most commonly associated with different forms of depression. Many physicians also prescribe this drug as a treatment method that can reduce symptoms that patients commonly experience with panic disorder and OCD – obsessive compulsive disorder. The way this type of drug works is it is able to cause a more healthy balance in serotonin neurotransmitters (natural chemicals) inside the patient’s brain. There are some individuals that experience a variety of side effects with the use of this drug. Some of the mos...

Passion Flower – Used for the Treatment of Depression Symptoms

Many people suffer from the symptoms of depression every day, and for various reasons. Although anti-depressants are commonly prescribed to alleviate these symptoms, many have very serious side effects. Passion flower, also known as Passiflora Incarnata, is a natural herb which contains a flavonoid called chrysin that has been known to help reduce the symptoms of depression. While passion flower does not treat depression specifically it does have properties to help reduce many of the symptoms that are known to be associated with depression. Because passion flower is a natural sedative it is an effective tool against insomnia and should not be used in large doses. The recommended amount is 200-300 milligrams no more than twice a day. It is also recommended that passion flower not be used in conjunction with sleep aids or anxiety medications. When used properly passion flower can be very effective in alleviating many of the symptoms of depression but should be ...

Common Treatment Options for Individuals with Major Depression

For individuals and family members alike, it is important to keep in mind that this is a type of depression that can be effectively managed when the proper treatment and management plans for this condition are put into action. It is important to consult with your family physician or a psychiatrist when an individual is experiencing the symptoms of major depression. It is also important to make sure the physician you see has the skill and experience to treat depression symptoms that are major. Some of the most common forms of treatments that many physicians recommend to their patients would include the following: Various types of medications are often prescribed to patients, like antidepressants, mood stabilizer drugs, and anti-psychotic medications Psychotherapy is often used to reduce the severity in which an individual experiences the frustrating symptoms of major depression In cases that are very severe, and as a last resort there are...

Common Treatment Options for Individuals with Childhood Depression

When you have a child that is suffering from the symptoms that are most commonly associated with childhood depression, it is very important to know everything possible about the treatment options that are available today. Many doctors prescribe various types of prescription form antidepressants that are very effective for offering relief from the symptoms that often make it so hard for depressed children to live an exciting and happy life. However, with any type of prescription medication it is important that you are familiar with any side effects that can occur with their use. Counseling is an option that can make a dramatic difference in how your child is coping with depression. Counseling is a way to provide effective cognitive behavioral therapy to your child,     where they can learn effective tools to switch negative feelings and thoughts into a more positive way of thinking. This is a huge benefit that can also have a huge affect on the child’s negative behavior...

Common Treatment Options for Individuals with Seasonal Affective Disorder

Although seasonal affective disorder is a type of depression that an individual only experiences during certain times of the year, it can still, in many cases, be very hard for the person to deal with the symptoms that are associated with this disorder. If you find that you suffer from the symptoms of this type of depression for three years consecutively, or longer, your family physician may recommend the use of various types of prescription antidepressants. This type of drug is often very effective for relieving the bothersome symptoms that this type of disorder can cause. There are other alternatives as well than can help a great deal. Light therapy is a technique that has been proven to very beneficial in some individuals. This is a technique that you can do in your own home, and enjoy the lighting provided by sun lamps. In very severe cases of seasonal affective disorder, it is recommended that individuals move to areas that are tropical and provide a large amount of warmth and s...

Common Treatment Options for Individuals with Postpartum Depression

The first step in getting a proper diagnosis for the condition known as postpartum depression would be to consult with your obstetrician or your family physician as soon as you realize that the frustrating symptoms of this condition have not gone away within a few days, or few weeks after you have delivered your baby.     There are a variety of prescription medications that can be prescribed to patients that are experiencing severe problems with postpartum depression, and psychotherapy may also be recommended. Other techniques that can help to alleviate postpartum symptoms would include talking with members of your family, or close friends about the way you are feeling. Getting things off your mind can many times be very effective methods for relieving symptoms of depression. Getting an adequate amount of sleep can also be helpful. Although newborn babies do not have a regular sleeping pattern, if you will adjust your sleeping schedule along with your babies, this can be ...

Common Treatment Options for Individuals with Bipolar Disorder

Due to bipolar disorder being an illness to the brain, it is usually classified as a mental or psychiatric disorder.  Scientific research classifies it as a medical condition with all the evidence that shows all the signs of imbalanced neurotransmitters within a person’s brain. Treatment plans for a person with bipolar disorders usually consist of medications and at times psychological therapies.  If a person cannot reach the point of becoming stable, psychiatric hospitalization might be necessary. The main goal with the medications is to help stabilize the person’s mood swings of depression and/or mania.  Medications for a person with bipolar disorder are:     Mood Stabilizer     Antidepressant     Anti-Anxiety and Sedative     Calcium Channel Blocker     Antipsychotics Psychological Therapy is also another treatment option for a person that is suffering from bipolar disorder.  The fo...

Common Treatment Options for Individuals with Dysthymic Disorder

There are a variety of different treatment options that are available today for numerous individuals that suffer from the symptoms that are associated with dysthymic disorder. Many of these methods are very effective for relieving the frustrating symptoms that are often experienced when a person has this type of disorder. A few of the most common treatment options that many specialists and psychiatrists use as effective treatment techniques are listed below. An important technique that can effectively relieve the bothersome symptoms of this disorder would be psychiatric treatment on a regular basis. There are many patients that are prescribed various types of prescription form antidepressants that are generally recommended to be used in conjunction with psychiatric treatment to alleviate the symptoms that patients experience. Cognitive therapy is another well known treatment method that has the ability to help a great deal in teaching patients to deal with negative ways of thinking...

Common Treatment Options for Individuals with Catatonic Depression

The mental health illness that is commonly referred to as catatonic depression involves a wide variety of different treatment methods. Some of the most common forms of treatment are much different than the methods that are often used in other types of depression. Because of the fact that this type of condition is a very serious illness, some of the methods that physicians use to treat this condition, are a lot more involved than what is generally used for mild, moderate, or even severe depression. Below is a list of the most common treatment options that are available for individuals suffering the extreme symptoms that are commonly associated with catatonic depression.     Mood Stabilizers     Benzodiazepines     Antipsychotics     Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) Each one of these medications and methods that are used for this type of treatment can be very effective, and they play a different role in treating mental heal...

Common Treatment Options for Individuals with Mild Depression

Thanks to the continuous efforts, studies, and research that is constantly being made in the field of science and in the field of medicine, there have been huge strides and accomplishments that have been made when it comes to the treatment options that are available for mild and other forms of depression. The good news is that mild depression is a medical condition that does not generally require the individual take various types of over-the-counter or prescription forms of medications, or undergo various other techniques that are used for the treatment of this type of condition. Individuals with mild depression are generally able to successfully manage and control the symptoms that they experience.     There are cases, however, where some individuals that suffer from the symptoms that are commonly associated with this condition will need to seek the advice of a medical professional that has the experience needed to establish an effective course of treatment that offers t...

Common Methods Used to Treat Depression

Generally when an individual is suffering from the illness known as depression, their family physician or psychiatrist will prescribe a prescription medication that is known as an antidepressant. There are many different types of antidepressants that are used to help relieve the symptoms that are commonly associated with depression. They are used to cause a higher level of serotonin, which are neurotransmitters in the individual’s central nervous system. These types of drugs also have the ability to mimic these neurotransmitters. Most of the antidepressants that are prescribed to patients are used because of the ability they have to increase the concentration of serotonin. The way this is achieved is because the serotonin that is removed from the areas near the nerve cells is decreased. To list a few of the most common antidepressants that patients are prescribed would include Paxil (paroxetine, Prozac (fluoxetine), Zoloft (sentraline), Luvox (fluvoxamine,     Lexapro (es...

Is Depression a Treatable Condition?

There are several different treatment options that work very well for relieving the symptoms that are associated with different forms of depression, and this would even include those that are considered to be cases that are quite severe. When treatment plans are started as soon as possible, it helps to prevent a recurrence of the condition, and it can also provide more effectiveness in relieving the symptoms of depression. Although various forms of treatment will not cure an individual from the problems that are responsible for causing depression symptoms, they do offer the advantage of being able to help a great deal in teaching individuals the skills that are needed to face many of the twists and turns that life can throw our way. Generally, a complete examination will need to be conducted, which helps to either rule out or diagnose any type of health condition that may be causing the individual to experience problems with depression. It is also common for a psychological evaluation ...

What are Common Symptoms of Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder?

Many women are able to tell when symptoms of premenstrual dysphoric disorder are about to occur. Some of the warning signs that are generally followed by the symptoms of this type of disorder would include nausea, feeling dizzy, becoming irritable with even small things that should not cause this feeling, being moody, fatigue, and higher levels of blood pressure. Information that is obtained from the patient and used to diagnose this type of depression is if they experience at least one type of emotional symptoms of dysphoric disorder, and five of the physical symptoms or PMDD in the week prior to menstruation. If a patient does experience these types of symptoms for 12 months in a row, then they are generally diagnosed with this type of depression. Some of the most common symptoms that are associated with this disorder would include moderate levels of the symptoms that follow:    Tender breasts Acne Emotions that are uncontrollable Fatigue Bloating of the abdomen ...

What are Common Symptoms of Depression from Physical Disease?

It can often become very depressing when an individual has to deal with symptoms of a specific type of illness, disease, or the pain that is often caused from various types of long-term injuries. There are numerous injuries and medical conditions that cause a large amount of pain and other bothersome symptoms, which often leaves the patient waking up to pain and discomfort and going to bed with pain and discomfort. After dealing with this type of routine on a long-term basis, there are many individuals that find they end up facing depression that is caused from various physical illnesses and diseases. Some of the most common symptoms that are associated with depression due to physical disease or illness would include the following The patient will begin to withdraw from hobbies, activities, social gatherings, and even close friends and members of the family. Regular sleeping patterns will begin to be disturbed. This often results in individuals that sleep many hours every single day...

What are Common Symptoms of Individuals with Psychotic Depression?

Psychotic depression is commonly referred to as the most severe and serious form of major depression. Out of every 250 people, one person ends up suffering from the symptoms that are associated with psychotic depression. When a person suffers from this condition there are some common symptoms that generally occur. Some of these would include the feeling or the belief that the delusions they are experiencing are real, when they are not. This is a symptom that some individuals who have bipolar also experience when they are in a state of depression. In some instances there are even some patients that have mild or moderate depression that will experience episodes of psychotic depression. The most common symptoms that individuals usually experience when they have psychotic depression are the delusion of feeling guilty, having paranoid hallucinations or delusions, problems in being able to fall asleep, feelings of irritation or agitation, and the feeling as if there is something majorly wron...

What are Common Symptoms of Individuals with Atypical Depression?

There are some symptoms that are associated with atypical depression that are just like the symptoms that are associated with other forms of depression. However, with atypical depression there are also some common symptoms that an individual suffering from this type of condition generally experience that are much different than the common signs of depression. Some of the most common signs and symptoms that you should look for in an individual that may be suffering from atypical depression would include the following: They will often show a pattern of being extremely sensitive to personal situations of rejection. These feelings can often cause problems in their working environment, as well as with social activities that they are involved in. Their symptoms may appear to improve while engaging in activities and family gatherings, as they are able to feel happy and enjoy themselves while they are around other people. Feelings of sadness and deep depression return when the patient is a...

What are Common Symptoms of Moderate Depression?

Individuals that are suffering from the symptoms of moderate depression will often experience the same types of symptoms that an individual with mild depression suffers from; however, they are generally experienced at a stronger degree. In some cases where individuals suffer from mild depression and it is not taken seriously or not treated by a physician, over a period of time it can turn into a more serious case of depression that would include moderate and even severe depression. Some of the most common warning signs or symptoms of moderate depression would include the following: An impaired ability to concentrate on various tasks and responsibilities Changes in eating habits. Either eating too much food or not eating enough food to provide the body with adequate amounts of vitamins and minerals it needs to function properly Problems in making sound decisions Having low levels of self-esteem Problems with regular sleeping habits. Either wanting to sleep all the time or not bein...

What are Common Symptoms of Childhood Depression?

If you are a close friend, close relative, sibling, or the parents of a child, it is important to become informed of the symptoms that are associated with the disorder that is known as childhood depression. This is because most children do not have the knowledge to know that something major could be occurring, and they simply do not realize the importance of turning to someone of authority for help. Some of the most common symptoms that children can suffer from when they have childhood depression are listed below. Acting distant towards members of the family, as well as their friends They will often not have an appetite at all, or they will be continuously hungry The constant feeling of being fatigued A lack of interest in various types of hobbies and activities that they used to get a great deal of enjoyment from Feelings of hopelessness The normal levels of social involvement that they engage in is decreased Feelings of excessive sadness The biggest factor involved with eff...

What are Common Symptoms of Seasonal Affective Disorder?

There are numerous individuals that end up suffering from the symptoms of seasonal affective disorder. Most of the people that suffer from this type of disorder will generally notice the symptoms will start to become noticeable when the winter months are close at hand. However, there are some rare cases of seasonal affective disorder that cause individuals to suffer its symptoms during the warm and sunny months of the summer. In some cases, seasonal affective disorder can cause an interruption in the individual’s routine daily activities and tasks that need to be done. Some of the most common symptoms that are associated with this type of disorder are as follows:  Continuously feeling fatigued Having problems with a regular sleep routine. Either feeling the need to sleep an excessive amount of time, or not sleeping nearly enough The individual will begin to withdraw from social aspects of their life on an increased basis throughout either the winter or summer months The inabil...

What are Common Symptoms of Postpartum Depression?

Postpartum depression is a common condition that a wide variety of different women suffer from after they have carried a baby for 9 months, gone through painful labor pains, and then given the birth to a baby. However, this is a condition that can sometimes progress to be much more serious in some women. If the symptoms of postpartum depression have become severe or persistent, it is important to contact your family health care provider. This will give the opportunity to evaluate your condition, refer you to a specialist if needed, adequately diagnose your condition, and then recommend a suitable treatment plan. Below is a list of some of the most common symptoms that are associated with postpartum depression.     Problems with worrying to an excessive extent.     Feelings of sadness and frequent bouts of crying.     Being irritable.     Having problems concentrating.     Problems with sleeping too much or ...

What are Common Symptoms of Endogenous Depression?

Endogenous depression is a condition that is considered to be hereditary, and there is a variety of different symptoms that individuals generally experience that are used to characterize this type of disorder. Some of the most common symptoms that are associated with endogenous depression would include the following: The inability to concentrate on tasks and activities A lack of interest in various types of hobbies and activities Feelings of hopelessness Problems with regular sleeping patterns. This would include either the problem of being able to go to sleep, or wanting to sleep way too much Feelings of sadness Feeling tired all the time Body aches in various parts of the individual’s body Problems with the digestive system headaches It is important to consult with your family physician if you notice that any of these symptoms are becoming bothersome or persistent. Your doctor may also want to refer you to a psychiatrist or a psychologist that has the expertise and skill ...

What are Common Symptoms of Reactive Depression?

Reactive depression is very common in a person that has lost a loved one, a marriage has been interrupted, or financial crisis has occurred. These people, for several weeks, or even several months tend to feel very low and depressed, and show a sign of less interest within their daily routines. Eventually the person that is suffering from reactive depression will notice these feelings fading away and they will return back to their normal routine. This category of depression is usually a temporary disorder.    Some common symptoms and signs of reactive depression include:     Sadness     Feelings of hopelessness     Anxiety     Headaches     Stomachaches     Frequent cries     Worry     Isolation or withdrawal from social activities or people     Layout from school or work     Palpitations     Destructiv...

What are Common Symptoms of Manic Disorder?

Manic disorder, a condition that is also known as bipolar disorder is a medical condition that affects millions of people in today’s society.  Not only does it affect the person that is suffering from this condition, but also other lives that surround the individual.  When a person has bipolar disorder, they are often unable to complete their daily activities.  In today’s society however, this condition is controlled with medication and treatments. It is very important to understand all the common symptoms of manic disorder and control it at an early stage.  The most common symptoms of this disorder is a shift in a person’s activity level and their mood swings.  When a person is experiencing these mood swings, they may also cause trouble within other people that surround them.  Common symptoms of manic disorder are:     High self-esteem     Rapid speech and thoughts     Optimism     Aggressive...

What are Common Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder?

The symptoms of bipolar disorder have affected millions of Americans.  A person’s energy level, mood, and their ability to be able to function are some of the common identifiers in a person’s mood disorder that characterize bipolar symptoms. Some factors that can trigger bipolar disorder are: Major Event in a Person’s Life.  Certain events that may occur in a person’s life whether they are good or bad can cause the person to have a bipolar episode. Stress.  From time to time, everyone deals with stress; however, a person that suffers from bipolar disorder finds it very difficult to handle stressful situations. Sleep Deprivation.  The loss of sleep, even the lack of a few hours that have been missed, can generate a mania episode. Medication.  Some prescribed medications, generally anti-depressants, tend to trigger an episode of mania.  Over-the-counter medications can also induce bipolar episodes. Common symptoms:     Extreme irritab...

What are Common Symptoms of Dysthymic Disorder?

There are a variety of different categories that specific types of depression are categorized under, and one that is known as being similar to chronic depression is called dysthymic disorder. As with other forms of depression, there are specific symptoms that can generally be noticed in individuals that have dysthymic disorder. Some of the most common symptoms are as follows: The individual becoming withdrawn – Avoiding friends and family members. A change in thinking patterns – Problems concentrating and problems with decision making, low levels of self-esteem, and feelings of guilt. Physical changes in the individuals well-being – The constant feeling of fatigue often causes the individual to feel tired even after numerous hours have been spent sleeping. Others often have problems getting an adequate amount of sleep, and they will often end up lying in bed for several hours during the night. Changes in the way the individual feels – Gloomy feelings, avoiding activities, fatigue,...

What are Common Symptoms of Medical Depression?

There are several different types of symptoms that an individual may experience when they are suffering from any of the forms of depression, which are all categorized as medical depression. When an individual begins feeling the symptoms of medical depression, it may be very hard for others to notice. As the depression becomes more severe, the symptoms will also become much worse, and it will be much easier for close friends and members of the individual’s family to spot. Below are some of the most common symptoms that a patient will experience when they are suffering from medical depression.   Changes in regular sleeping habits. Some patients tend to sleep continuously, while others find it hard to fall asleep. Changes in diet. Many times the individual will lose interest in many of the foods that they once enjoyed. Some individuals will begin to overeat on a regular basis, and then there are others that hardly eat anything at all. Feelings of sadness that are accompanied ...

What are Common Symptoms of Clinical Depression?

This specific type of depression is one that can be extremely dangerous when it is left untreated. Another common name that is used by many people to describe this condition is major depressive disorder. There are many symptoms that characterize clinical depression, and some of the most common symptoms are listed below  Marked changes in the appetite may be noticed, as individuals with this disorder generally lose their interest in even their favorite food items. You will notice an impairment in their ability to concentrate Drastic changes in the individual’s personality are generally noticed Sleeping regularly generally becomes a huge problem. They often have problems sleeping at night, and tend to want to sleep all throughout the day In some cases promiscuity is a big problem Pleasure is generally a luxury that the clinically depressed person does not feel, even in hobbies and activities that they used to enjoy very much They will usually begin isolating themselves from c...

What are Common Symptoms of Mild Depression?

It is highly likely that every single person comes into contact with an individual that has mild depression, or suffers from this type of condition themselves. This is because there are as many as 18% of all Americans that suffer from the symptoms that are associated with this form of depression, according to the American Medical Association. There is a variety of symptoms that a person will generally experience when they are suffering from mild depression, and some of the most common symptoms are listed below. Minor changes in the individual’s attitude and mood changes A small impact on the person’s job performance Minor changes in the regular eating habits of the depressed individual Slight changes in the amount of time the person devotes to various types of activities and routine physical exercise Minor interruptions in the individual’s normal sleeping habits Although many of the symptoms that a person endures with mild depression are comparable to the various symptoms that ...

What are Common Symptoms of Minor Depression?

Minor depression is a mental health condition that numerous individuals suffer from on a daily basis. However, this form of depression does not generally affect normal routines of their life. The symptoms that a person experiences with minor depression are much like the symptoms that are associated with many of the other forms of depression, however, they are experienced at a much lesser degree. Some of the most common symptoms that most people experience when they have mild depression would include the following: Irritation Agitation Problems with regular sleeping patterns Experiencing feelings of sadness Moods that are lower than the person normally experiences Feelings of helplessness and hopelessness Although the mild depression symptoms are felt at a much lesser degree than other forms of depression, it is still important to pay close attention to this condition. When mild depression is ignored or left untreated, there are many times that it can emerge into forms of depre...

What are Common Symptoms of Major Depression?

Major depression is a serious disorder that can cause individuals to experience a wide variety of different symptoms, some of which can become so severe that it is often hard for individuals with this type of depression to carry on with their normal routine responsibilities and activities. In many cases of major depression the individual will show a lack of desire to engage in various hobbies and other types of activities that used to bring them a great deal of satisfaction and enjoyment. In many patients low levels of mood can be seen that envelops every aspect of their life. It is often hard for patients to concentrate normally, and many times they are unable to make important decisions.  Other feelings that a patient generally experiences with moderate depression would include feelings of hopelessness, guilt, worthlessness, self-hatred, and helplessness. Other common symptoms of moderate depression include the following:    Poor memory Problems with regular sle...

Common Symptoms of the Illness Known as Depression

Just as it is common for different types of symptoms to occur in individuals that have various illnesses and diseases, the same holds true for individuals that are suffering from depression. Some of the most common symptoms that some children, teenagers, adults, and the elderly face when they are depressed are as follows:     They often feel pessimistic     Feelings of being irritable     Sadness and low mood levels     Thought processes that are slow     Physical reactions that are often slow     Very little interest or joy from hobbies or activities that used to provide lots of enjoyment     Often interpreting sensorial stimuli very slowly     Feelings of guilt     Thoughts of being inferior There are different degrees, of which an individual may suffer depression, and not every person will experience the exact same symptoms. Where one pers...

Depression Symptoms

Just as it is common for different types of symptoms to occur in individuals that have various illnesses and diseases, the same holds true for individuals that are suffering from depression. Some of the most common symptoms that some children, teenagers, adults, and the elderly face when they are depressed are as follows: They often feel pessimistic Feelings of being irritable Sadness and low mood levels Thought processes that are slow Physical reactions that are often slow Very little interest or joy from hobbies or activities that used to provide lots of enjoyment Often interpreting sensorial stimuli very slowly Feelings of guilt Thoughts of being inferio Know more about other types of depression and their symptoms- Common Symptoms of the Illness Known as Depression There are different degrees, of which an individual may suffer depression, and not every person will experience the exact same symptoms. Major Depression Symptoms Major depression ...

What are Common Symptoms of Depression Caused from Lifestyle?

There are many different symptoms that an individual might face due to habits that have been formed in living a poor lifestyle. A healthy diet is something that is important for every individual, and is not always a priority to some individuals. This is a problem that can lead to people that become overweight, and there are others who will become severely underweight. An adequate level of exercise is another factor that the body’s system must have in order to perform various functions that are needed for good health. When a person does not exercise regularly they often begin to feel tired all the time, and they simply will not be able to find the energy to engage in normal activities and social events that they used to be involved in. A lifestyle that involves large amounts of alcohol or illegal drug substances can also have a huge affect on a person, and end up causing feelings of guilt, hopelessness, and helplessness. As a result of each of these factors, individuals often suffer fr...

Does Being Divorced or Separated Cause a Higher Risk For Depression?

Some people may be surprised to hear that depression is a condition that occurs much more frequently in individuals that have either been separated from their spouse or partner, and in individuals that have divorced their spouse, than in couples that are still together. Another factor that raises the chances for an individual to end up suffering from depression by a large amount is in women who are living in a marriage relationship, or partnership that is unhappy or unhealthy. There are several different factors that are involved in a healthy marriage relationship or partnership that have proven to have the ability to cause a reduction for the chances that an individual has for suffering from depression. Some of the important factors would include relationships that include healthy amounts of intimacy, relationships that involve an open communication for each partner, and relationships that involve an atmosphere of care, love, and concern for each partner.    It has been ...

Depression and the Affects That Abuse Can Cause

Abuse is a serious problem that shows to have a huge impact on a large number of women all around the world that end up facing the symptoms that are commonly associated with various types of depression. In various studies that have been performed, information has been obtained that indicates that there is a much higher likelihood of clinical depression in women that have suffered from abuse such as molestation during their childhood years, than in the women that have not. Many studies have also shown that there is a higher likelihood of women suffering from the condition of depression when they have been raped during their teen years or as an adult, than in the women that have not suffered this type of abuse. Physical abuse is another serious problem that women are much more likely to experience than men.    These forms of abuse could very well be one of the reasons that the occurrence of the symptoms of depression is higher in women, than they are in men. Other factors t...

What Problems Can Serotonin Deficiency Cause?

One of the most valuable chemicals found in the human body is serotonin. This particular chemical is found in the brain and has many benefits such as promoting regular sleep patterns as well as balancing stress levels and moods. There are several things that can change the levels of this chemical including high stress, sleep deprivation and low exposure to sunlight. Alcohol and prescription medications may also play a part in lowering levels of serotonin. When there is a deficiency of serotonin in the brain many problems can occur. Some of the most common problems that surface when a deficiency of serotonin levels occurs include excess fatigue, problems sleeping, low self esteem, lack of impulse control, depression and anxiety. Low levels of serotonin can also affect how a person acts or thinks.     Among these the most common problem associated with serotonin deficiencies is problems with persistent depression. There are many ways to deal with the problems associated wit...

What are Some MAOI Medications and Side Effects They Can Cause?

MAOI or monamine oxidase inhibitors are prescription antidepressants that some mental health care professionals and family health care providers prescribe to patients, when there is a problem that prevents a patient from taking other types of antidepressants. Below you will find a list of a few of the most common types of monamine oxidase inhibitors that patients use to alleviate the symptoms that are most commonly associated with mental health conditions such as depression.     Tranlcypromine – also known as Parnate     Phenelzine – also known as Nardil     Socarboxazid – also known as Marplan Serious side effects that this drug can cause with its use, prevents many physicians from prescribing this type of antidepressant to patients suffering from depression symptoms. Some of the most common side effects patients may experience with MAOI medications would include trembling, weakness, headaches, and dizziness. Before using an MAOI antid...

What are Some SSRI Medications and Side Effects They Can Cause?

With the continuous studies and research projects that are being performed, there is more and more prescription medications used for depression symptoms that are being released onto the market. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, known as SSRIs is one of the recently released medications that works very effective at reducing symptoms that are most commonly associated with mental health disorders such as depression. A few of the SSRIs that many physicians and specialists commonly prescribe to patients suffering from depression would include the following:     Sertraline – also known as Zoloft     Citalopram – also known as Celexa     Paroxetine – also known as Pexeva     Escitalopram – also known as Lexapro     Fluoxetine – also known as Prozac While taking this type of drug, some of the most common side effects that may occur with its use would include headaches, dry mouth, sexual problems, nausea, i...

What are Some SNRIs and Side Effects They Can Cause?

Serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors are prescription antidepressants that numerous mental health professionals and family health care providers prescribe to patients that are having problems dealing with symptoms of depression. These medications are more commonly known to many people as SNRIs. A few of the most common names that are prescribed to individuals with depression would include Duloxetine, which is commonly known by the name of Cymbalta, and Venlafaxine, which is commonly known as Effexor. These drugs work very well at effectively alleviating the symptoms that are most commonly associated with mental health conditions such as depression. When using prescription medications there are some side effects that may occur with their use. Some of the most common side effects that some individuals suffer from would include the following:     Higher cholesterol levels     Nausea     Higher heart rate     Loss ...

What are Some NDRI Medications and Side Effects They Can Cause?

There are numerous different types of antidepressants that are prescribed to individuals that are suffering from depression symptoms, and as time goes on, there are new antidepressant medicines that are continuously being released that are to be used for the treatment of depression. One of the common medicines that many patients are prescribed are Norepinephrine and Dopamine Reuptake Inhibitors that are known by many physicians and patients as NDRIs. Bupropion, which is also known as Wellbutrin, is an NDRI that is very effective for relieving the common symptoms of mental health disorders like depression. Before taking this type of drug, it is important to become aware of the side effects that may occur while you are taking this NDRI. Some of the most common side effects that NDRIs are known for causing would include an increase in the patient’s blood pressure, agitation, insomnia, nausea, loss of appetite, and headaches.     If you have noticed the symptoms of depression...

Can Brain Trauma Cause Depression?

There have been various types of brain damage injuries that have shown to increase the chances of an individual suffering from the symptoms that are commonly associated with mental health illnesses such as depression. Out of the 2% of individuals that have suffered from a traumatic brain injury, which is more commonly known as TBI, as many as 50% of these accident victims end up suffering from various levels of depression within a year after this type of injury. Although there are some people that only suffer short-term symptoms of depression after being injured, there are many others that end up suffering from a more severe form of depression.     Some of these victims may also experience depression symptoms for only a very short period of time, however, several of these patients experience problems with long-term depression. Some of the most common side effects that these individuals experience would include feelings of helplessness or hopelessness, uneasiness, extreme ...

What are Physiological Changes That Occur Causing Depression Symptoms?

Individuals that suffer from depression have show to have lower levels of neurotransmitters that are located in specific areas of the central nervous system, than in the people that do not suffer from this illness. There are various types of deficiencies of the nervous system that may occur which would include dopamine, serotonin, acetylcholine, noradrenalin, and gamma-amino-butyric acid, which is known as GABA. In some instances the individual’s neurotransmitters do not respond as effectively as they should. Each of these plays an important role in making sure that the processes of the body’s system are performed as effectively as they should be for optimum health. When they are not in an adequate working order or there is a deficiency in the body, it is a problem that can end up causing individuals to begin noticing the frustrating symptoms that are associated with depression.    Although depression is an illness that can be caused by a variety of different factors, the...

What Factors are Involved that Cause Depression?

There are many different types of depression that a person may end up suffering from, and each type of this illness can be caused from a variety of different factors. There are some people that simply have a chemical imbalance within the body’s system that causes them to suffer from this illness. In other cases the cause can be from a devastating event that has happened in the person life. Physical diseases or illnesses are often a problem that results in individuals becoming depressed, especially when the condition they suffer is long-term, and this is one of the most common forms of this particular illness. Stress and anxiety are also factors that can cause depression, especially in cases where it causes the individual to have problems with getting an adequate amount of sleep, which over a period of time can result in depression.     Some cases of depression that are not caused by any of these factors are generally determined as being a hereditary condition. An unheal...

Can Lifestyle Cause Depression?

There are a variety of different reasons why an individual may end up with the condition that is known as depression. One of the reasons is one that many individuals may not even be aware of. The type of lifestyle that you lead is not only a factor that can result in a variety of different types of other types of medical conditions and illnesses, but it can also end up causing individuals to suffer from depression. Just a few factors of an unsound lifestyle that can lead to depression are listed below. Consuming large amounts of stimulating beverages, such as soda pop, coffee, alcoholic drinks, and tea. Not getting an adequate amount of sleep during the night. Not engaging in a regular amount of activities and physical exercise. Eating an excessive amount of food products that contain a large amount of fat. Not providing the body with an adequate amount of necessary vitamins and minerals that the body needs to function properly. Not only is it extremely important to live a heal...

Depression Cause

Depression is an illness that can be caused by a variety of different factors, there are times that a chemical imbalance in the body’s system is the culprit that causes this type of condition. It is important to consult with your physician if you notice any of the warning signs that could lead to this illness. An everyday life that involves huge amounts of alcohol or illegal drug substances can also have a huge affect on a person, and end up causing feelings of guilt, hopelessness, and helplessness. As a result of each of these factors, individuals often go through from symptoms that include problems with sleeping, depressing attitudes and feelings, sadness that is followed by bouts of tearfulness, and changes in the person’s overall mood. What are Physiological Changes That Occur Causing Depression Symptoms?  Individuals that go through from depression have show to have lower levels of neurotransmitters that are located in specific areas of the central nervous ...