What are Physiological Changes That Occur Causing Depression Symptoms?

Individuals that suffer from depression have show to have lower levels of neurotransmitters that are located in specific areas of the central nervous system, than in the people that do not suffer from this illness. There are various types of deficiencies of the nervous system that may occur which would include dopamine, serotonin, acetylcholine, noradrenalin, and gamma-amino-butyric acid, which is known as GABA. In some instances the individual’s neurotransmitters do not respond as effectively as they should. Each of these plays an important role in making sure that the processes of the body’s system are performed as effectively as they should be for optimum health. When they are not in an adequate working order or there is a deficiency in the body, it is a problem that can end up causing individuals to begin noticing the frustrating symptoms that are associated with depression.   

Although depression is an illness that can be caused by a variety of different factors, there are times that a chemical imbalance in the body’s system is the culprit that causes this type of condition. It is important to consult with your physician if you notice any of the warning signs that could lead to this illness.


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